Faster Payment System (FPS)

Don’t forget to uplift your Transaction Limit before you transfer!
  • 7x24
  • Instant fund transfers
  • Cross-bank transfers without fees
  • Safe and secure

Transfer to other PAObank accounts

Don’t forget to uplift your Transaction Limit before you transfer!
  • 7x24
  • Instant fund transfers
  • Transfers without fees
  • Safe and secure
Smart Tips:
  • Before confirming a transfer or deposit of funds to a third party in Hong Kong, you are advised to verify the account number/mobile number/email address/FPS identifier and partially-masked name (if available) of the payee carefully to avoid mis-transfer of fund. After giving the instruction, you are advised to check with the transferee to confirm the receipt of fund. If you find the fund was mis-transferred to third-party account, please report to our Customer Service Representative at (852) 3762 9900 (24-hour service) at the earliest convenience.
  • It is our responsibility to remind you if you have received funds which a transferor sent by mistake, you should contact our Customer Service Representative at (852) 3762 9900 (24-hour service) at the earliest convenience. You could be criminally liable if you refuse to return the fund to the transferor.

Savings Account

  • Enjoy a basic saving interest rate of 1% p.a. with NO fees and NO minimum account balance requirement 1
  • Transfer funds from your account INSTANTLY at your fingerprints
  • Enjoy 24/7 banking services WITHOUT visiting a bank
  • Go green with paperless statement
  • Eligible deposits under Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) in Hong Kong
  • 1 Applicable to account balance at HK$1M or below. 0.01% p.a. interest rate will be applied for account balance over HK$1M.

Bonus Step-up Campaign

Selected customers who open account and deposit funds on or before 30th Jun can enjoy saving interest rate up to 5%. p.a.. Eligible deposit amount for this campaign is up to HK$1,000,000.

Learn more
Interest Rate
0 - 200 K
200 K - 20M
Account opening date to 30 Sep 2020 (both dates inclusive)
1 Cot to 31 Dec 2020 (both dates inclusive)
1 Jan to 31 Mar 2021 (both dates inclusive)
  • Eligibility cap is based on initial deposit and will be adjusted downward per fund withdrawal
  • Eligibility cap will not be adjusted upward on subsequent fund deposit
  • Bonus step-up interest will be credited to customers savings account 1 month after each period end

Personal Instalment Loan

Personal Instalment loan helps to meet your financial needs!

  • Apply anytime & anywhere via our APP
  • HK$0 handling fee
  • Fully repay the loan anytime with NO early redemption charge


  • You must be a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above; and
  • You must be a Filipino Domestic Helper; and
  • You must be an existing customer

Required Documents

  • Hong Kong Identity Card
  • Passport
  • Working Visa
  • Employment Contract
  • Residential Address Proof

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

  • The Bank reserves the right to designate relevant documents and request for additional documents for the loan approval.